Many of you are likely researching colleges online, hoping to find a good fit, and probably hoping the school will like you (or at least like your test scores and gpa!) and admit you. But do you know that a lot of colleges across the country are doing the same thing? It's true. Colleges are researching you, hoping to find students that are a good fit for their institution, and hoping that you'll like them (or at least like their campus, dorms, students, professors!) and apply to their school.
If you're a high school sophomore, junior or senior and you haven't created a zinch or cappex profile...
Do It Now.
Here is how it works: Zinch & Cappex are similar to facebook...but more like facebook for your college search. You create a profile (complete with your academic interest, achievements, etc) and colleges are doing the same thing. You then have the opportunity to search for colleges and "like" them. When you like a college, they get that message and your chances of catching their eye increases. At the same time, college admission offices are actively searching for students to "like". When they spot a student that might be a good fit, they'll send you a message. If they contact you and you're not interested, you can simply say "no thanks" or "sure, send me more info!". It's that simple and is a great way to collect info in one place and connect with admission reps on those prospective campuses you're interested in. And as if that wasn't enough to get really excited about, you can also search for scholarships the same way!
You know what to do. Go create those profiles.
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